
Question about did you go to (if you are old enough) film school (or a college) or did you not, and simply do something else? Just wondering where everyone is from, and what I want to do.

P.S. If you did go to film school do you think it was worth it?
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My background is in Public Relations. When I retired from the Army Reserve in 2007 I was the Public Affairs Supervisor for a Training Support Division (6000 man unit spread throughout the Southeastern US). I worked with local, state and national media, wrote articles and edited our unit publication. My Soldiers and I trained mobilizing Soldiers on how to deal with the media, made videos about our unit mission and worked with embedded reporters that were deploying with mobilized National Guard and Army Reserve units. I spent a lot of time with various media types that were making documentaries about military related issues. After I retired I started collecting military vehicles and one of my trucks was used in the movie "Dixie Times", an indie film written and starred in by Ken Wheeler. I drove the truck and my son was an extra. You can look it up on IMDB. That is when the movie bug bit me and I have been working toward bringing the movie industry to Northeast Alabama through my company Black Creek Productions. My interest is in providing logistics and promoting film making in this area. I enjoy doing bit parts but I have no designs on directing or acting in films. I do write a lot and have just completed my first fiction book that is under contract to a small publishing company. I have several stories that have caught the interest of some indie film producers. I attended a local university for several semesters and took script writing, voice acting and video production. I'm now working with that school, a local group of indie film makers and the Alabama Film Commission to promote indie filmmaking locally. I guess you could say most of my experience is 'On the Job Training" and the School of Hard Knocks".