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Rural Route FF


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
The deadline is March 10, 2006. See http://www.ruralroutefilms.com/submissions.html for details.
You can submit via WITHOUTABOX from the above link.

The Rural Route Film Festival has been created to highlight works that deal with rural people and places. Whether it be a documentary about an organic turnip farm in West Virginia, a fictional backpacking drama set in Peru, or a personal/experimental work about life in a small town in Wisconsin, we want to see and hear what you have to say. Works that include alternative country, country western, and folk music are encouraged, as are those that play loud rock in cornfields.

After hitting the Mid&Southwest last month with shows in St. Louis, Phoenix, and Albuquerque, we head for the mountains of Colorado, back to the heartland, and then out to the Puget Sound. If you're around, please check out a local show, tell a friend, or email to find out more about being a Rural Route groupie.

February 26, 2006 - Vinton, IA - The Palace Theatre w/local/historical films
March 3-9, 2006 - Seattle, WA - Grand Illusion Cinema (http://www.grandillusioncinema.org/) w/"Spring Night, Summer Night"

****A portion of all 2005-6 tour proceeds is being donated to the Federation of Southern Cooperatives in their long-term recovery efforts to help low-income rural people in the Gulf affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. To make your own contribution, check out their website - www.federationsoutherncoop.com.

**For more tour info, check out http://www.ruralroutefilms.com/tours.html