archived-videos Rubble

Here it is folks, my third short film. "Rubble" combines many big screen elements in a short 7:05 time frame.

Your reviews are welcomed and indeed encouraged. I value your opinions. THANK YOU TO JASON MORRIS of Klown Films for hosting it!

Thanks for watching!

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That was pretty good Lilith.. what's up with the weird color overlays at the end though? the blue and yellow and stuff? The earlier stuff was well lit and nicely colored. Actors were a little stiff through most of it, but overall good story, nicely done.
Will, thanks for checking it out. I was trying for a sense of unreality... Hopefully bringing the audience along with the characters, but visually hinting that they might not be seeing completely actual events.
Great short! Reminded me of War of the Roses at first. I liked the drama alot- a bit too much brooding on the cold chinese food from the husband, but once that roof started cracking I thought it was a really cool twist. I could almost swear the guy was about to smack his wife at one point, but sometimes the climactic argument tapered off a bit instead of building up.

I felt the ending was a bit cheesy, but that's because I'm a cynical bastard and would have rather seen them continue the fighting in hell. Great job overall- I enjoyed it at least as much as 21st.
Spatula said:
Great job overall- I enjoyed it at least as much as 21st.

I am not sure that's a good thing. :redgrin:

I am looking to recut and ADR 21st sometime this year. It has a lot of promise, and a ton of newbie mistakes. Thanks for watching.
It reminds me of the arguements i have had with numerous women in my short life, but i still enjoyed watching "Rubble." I thought the acting was very good with the actress being full of emotion and the actor playing it rather cool, and i was impressed with the picture quality. What camera did you use?

However was slightly confused as to why the house was suddenly demolished into rubble, as i actually thought it was an earthquake, but the effect of the ceiling cracking was very good and the ending looked like a happy couple going into Heaven. The white costume in the snowy environment really did enhance the feeling of Heaven. Good job!
Looks good! I audio was a bit over-dynamic (going from speaker blowingly loud to have to turn the sound up quiet). This could have been evened out a bit with a compressor/limiter. Liked it.
Warning, contains spoilers!

Thanks guys. Eddie, we used two cameras. Cannon XL-1 and XL -1s. Peter Sampson is an awesome lighting designer, and he and Johnny Wu did a great job on camera. I agree Knightly, that I need to deal with some sound issues- one place in particular where I want to dial the effects down a notch.

I guess I'll let the cat out of the bag now:

The house coming down is a metaphor for the ending of the relationship. It's not real, it's figurative. About 75% of the audience seems to think the characters died, when in fact that is not what I intended. The original short story and the film are both created with the idea that the characters' relationship and lack of trust is what has shattered. Their love comes out whole on the other side.

We wanted to let the audience make their own decision as to what occurred at the end. :) Corney and completely un-cynical, yup. Perhaps an anathema in indie film, but I want to make uplifting pictures.
Very nice Lilith. There were a few akward cuts that threw me off as well as the color overlay/white balance issues. The audio levels did jump a little but they wern't all that bad. I thought the ADR could have been alot better as well as the SFX. I thought the VFX of the ceiling were great though, your guy did a good job on those.

Keep up the good work.
Lilith said:
I am not sure that's a good thing. :redgrin: .

I thought it was a great movie!! Each one gets better and better. My favorite is still killer squirrel, but that's because I think squirrels are funny- Rubble was great though- pat yourself on the back for a job well done, and congrats!! :D
Good job. I thought it was a nice little dramatic short. The lighting and camerawork was over all very good. There was one shot of the woman, that looked rushed. It was early on when she stands up into a close-up. I think that some of the color shifting is distracting. Maybe it's just me being a realist.

Some of the dialogue was great and some didn't ring true to me. I think you needed them to use more contractions and, I know you were probably trying to avoid it, some cursing. When things get this heated, usually all gloves come off. Here's an example, she says "I wasn't the one having the affair.", could be changed to "I wasn't the one screwing around." Less offensive than the "F" word, but roughs it up a little.

The effects were great.

I'm still not sure I buy the ending. Maybe I'm not a symbolism guy. I thought it was too quick and easy. Their relationship crumbles around them and then spiritually cleansed version of them look down and reconcile. I know, I know,'s a short. I did love the look of that snow scene. I got cold just watching it.

It may sound like I'm trashing your short, but as I said, overall a good job.

Keep on making movies.

You know, I haven't watched it since the LAMS III fest. Just took a fresh look at it. There are some bobbles I still want to fix, but overall, I feel really really good about it. I appreciate everyone's feedback. Scott, it means a lot to me that you gave it so much critical thought. As to your dialogue notes- that's how Chandler and I really talk! Actually, I was rather proud that we made a dialogue heavy film that had no cussing... and we didn't even try.

It officially goes out to the festival world today- sending it to 3 today. :)
Hi Lilith. This short is really great! Very well put together. I did pick up on the symbolism of the rubble, but I came away with a different interpretation of the ending. In a way, I guess that's good...if you meant for it to only be interpreted one way, the ending would likely have been different -- less ambiguous.

Also, great contributions from Johnny and the SFX creator.
Hey guys, I have done some more correcting of my color correction on the short. It should be up later today. I'll keep you posted.

Last week, we screened it at our local meeting. There were an unusual number of women in the room, and we got a great response. Guess it really is a "chick flick". :)
Hmm...Youtube huh? thanks Johnny! And thanks for the compliment as well. I didn't freak out because I still know so little about the Premiere system. I was just glad to make it do what I wanted 80% of the time.