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Royalty Free Music

I've been working hard on a site that I hope excites you guys as much as it does for me; Carney Productions . What I hope to turn this site into is a great resource for filmmakers, especially independant ones such as all of you out there. Where you can host your films, get the perfect musical selection for your movies, and discuss what makes everyone so darn good, bad or so-so. I know this site does do a lot of that, but with the ability soon to host your films it can be a great suplement to a site like this. At this time, we are only offering film scoring services but as I said previously, we hope you'll stick around to see us grow and help out the little guy in the big film industry world.
Move to Classifieds. Welcome to the site.
Thank you, much appreciated. I hope so as well. Just trying to spread the word. It hasnt even been live 24 hours yet. Trying to get as much exposure as possible.