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watch Royal Parks of London

Oh very nice! Loved the focus pulling and your choice of shots.

Incidental notes:

1) When the ducks shot came on, my temperamental speakers took the opportunity to put out the most insane high-pitched abominable noise, and then finish off with a bass pop so loud my eardrums nearly exploded. I'm likely to now have an irrational fear of ducks.

2) I love the way I have to spend days stalking the Hampshire countryside to catch a glimpse of a family of deer, who then instantly run away from me faster than I can possibly get the viewfinder to my eye, whereas in London, of all the silly places in the world, you can just walk into a park and find them doing all sorts of cool exciting things with birds on their backs and everything. The injustice!

Good film, though, man :D

Yeah, when I moved here, i didn't think that I could get these shots here. When I first got the camera, I actually got 1m close to a deer to take some pictures. It was insane!