round film?

nyone have any ideas how to produce content for round film? Say an image is to be displayed on a round table from above. Anyone have any tips on any special equipment i could borrow or rent out that would help me capture a round image? If it can be projected on a wall to the same effect it's not round film? May get curved track and a dolly
Kinda like Willian Kentridge

Any help much appreciated?
Shouldn't you just use video editing software to crop the image into a round shape? This is the kind of thing After Effects excels at.

Surely that would be ridiculously less expensive and difficult!
looking at that link your wanting information on

for example check this ...

Note the last example above, its not a projection type, but its where the REAL image is revealed as you approach a certain angel.

google it, and you'll see some examples, some dating from quite a long time back. its very cool technique and I like how your example brought the old technique forward with video.

Id say its an interesting software development project to craft a video filter that would distort any footage to be reflected onto a surface, like a mirror vase. Easy to get a LCD display and lay it flat like a table. Probably cheaper then a good projector.
so, save your movie as a series of jpegs.
Run the above software against all your jpegs
re-asemble your jpegs into a movie if you want.. burn it to a dvd.. or what ever..

lay your flat LCD monitor on the table connect something that can play back the new movie
place your reflective object on the horizontal surface and boya. done!

Sounds like a fun thing if you have an old screen lying about..
... and for whats its worth, the user guide for the software above, has a great explanation of how this works, I imagine this could all be done in after effects with the right now how and math.
Amazing! I'd never seen this before, really interesting.

It's worth noting though, that what you get from those still images will only be viewable from the correct angle. Looks to me like the animation in the video can be viewed from any position on the cylinder. To my mind, in order to create the same effect with video, you'd need a full 360-degree panorama. If you had this, you could stretch it into a 'donut' shape in post and project it either top down over the cylinder, or play it on a screen below.

Does this make sense? I think i'm right in what i'm saying...
try it out with a single frame.. that user guide has instructions on how to print and make a mirror cylinder etc..

So you make your video interesting from all angels, think of this playing back as an object de art, not as a presentation medium for your movies..