All jokes aside, I'm in a world of pain. 2 minutes of rotoscoping outside of the green screen area. Well, 2 minutes left, I've done 20 seconds already.
Here's what the job looks like. The last photo is what I need to get. Luckily, resolution in the final comp is greatly downscaled so I don't need to be THAT precise. It looks like this because we needed the green screen on the left more than on the right.
So, I tried tracking Luma Matte, bad results. I tried tracking the mask shape, horrible results. I tried Mocha, too difficult because the shape is too complex and I need to switch tools and fine tweak the hell out of it with every greater movement.
(Please don't read this: 2*60seconds*24fps=2880 frames. On average, I need one keyframe every 7 frames, resulting in roughly 411 keyframes left to go. It'll take me roughly 40 seconds to 1 minute per keyframe, so let's say 50sec on average. 411*50=almost 6 hours of work. This degenerates into 2, maybe 3 days of work considering how many breaks I'm taking because of miserably running away from it, procrastinating, or staying on forums, or learning other things. Oh, and there's also the green patch above his feet that I need to get back to when all that is done.)
I haven't tried Alpha Matte Masking by using the R,G and B channels yet but I find it difficult to tweak, while not knowing if I will get the results.
Is there ANY method I'm missing that would give me the desired result?
Here's what the job looks like. The last photo is what I need to get. Luckily, resolution in the final comp is greatly downscaled so I don't need to be THAT precise. It looks like this because we needed the green screen on the left more than on the right.
So, I tried tracking Luma Matte, bad results. I tried tracking the mask shape, horrible results. I tried Mocha, too difficult because the shape is too complex and I need to switch tools and fine tweak the hell out of it with every greater movement.
(Please don't read this: 2*60seconds*24fps=2880 frames. On average, I need one keyframe every 7 frames, resulting in roughly 411 keyframes left to go. It'll take me roughly 40 seconds to 1 minute per keyframe, so let's say 50sec on average. 411*50=almost 6 hours of work. This degenerates into 2, maybe 3 days of work considering how many breaks I'm taking because of miserably running away from it, procrastinating, or staying on forums, or learning other things. Oh, and there's also the green patch above his feet that I need to get back to when all that is done.)
I haven't tried Alpha Matte Masking by using the R,G and B channels yet but I find it difficult to tweak, while not knowing if I will get the results.
Is there ANY method I'm missing that would give me the desired result?
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