archived-videos RORY'S REVENGE - fight scene

A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine approached me to help him make a short film for his year 10 film studies project 2 weeks before the deadline :rolleyes: . He had a pathetic concept but thats beside the point as I allocated myself as editor and DP, leaving him as 'director'.

To put it blunty, all 3 shoots were a shambles as there was no script and no planning, we were just working from the general concept (managing to re-shoot scenes for different actors and cutting out major scenes due to the mindv tape dying mysteriously :( )

The funny thing is that the main scene in the movie turned out well in my opinion considering the whole movie was improvised. I would love your opinions be it good, bad, whatever. You can download the fight scene at:

THANKS to Zensteve for his temporary space on , this thread wouldn't exist without him!
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it was interesting to say the least. Perhaps the fact that I am at a complete loss as to the story line caused me to spend most of the time saying "what the heck is this?" But within context I am sure it is much more coherent. ;)
there was no script and no planning, we were just working from the general concept

That's pretty much an invitation to disaster right there... unless you have some really talented improv peeps doing their thing. :)

Those are freaky masks they are wearing, btw.

Was it a kung-fu spoof of some kind? The longshot of them flailing their limbs about toward the start made me think so.

Planning, planning, planning. (Tell your pal that)

HomerS3 said:
within context I am sure it is much more coherent. ;)

The sad thing is it makes more sence shown without the start. The plot (if it deserves to be called that) is about a guy who is asked to seek revenge on the masked killer after he finds his friend in a pool of organs (actually turned out alright after 2 kg of tomato sause, red kidney beans and 500g of mangled liver). He then seeks training ready for the fight but none of those shots work (partially because of the insistance that the Rocky theme tune be played in the background).

As you see the masked man walk off, he is so ashamed by his terrible fighting that he climbs a structure to hang himself from. After shooting this scene i realised it would turn out pretty good, only to find that after the 'director' played with the camera, the tape had screwed up and the footage was useless so i had to improvise since the film was due in 2 days and re-shooting was impossible.

Was it a kung-fu spoof of some kind? The longshot of them flailing their limbs about toward the start made me think so.

I don't think the director had any idea what it was supposed to be but the idea started a while ago when a bunch of us were camping and we would have fights by throwing our arms around. After i insisted that the fight would look terrible if it was just swinging arms around he decided to have a 'real' fight.

I was also wondering about the compression of the clip. Is the quality to be expected to be bad since i used a crappy 1ccd camera or should i have used a different codec e.g. serenson 4?

Thanks for your comments :yes:
The only problem is the blocky look. I don't know if thats my problem or if all mp4 files look like that