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watch "Road Kill" - 48 Hour Film Project Entry

Just picked up another set of laurels...


Just so happens, this screening is the day after the Shamrock Film Festival.. so that's kind of neat. Along with Road Kill, two other films I've been involved in will be showing here as well.

Death Bed, that knightly and I worked on in 2006, and Do Us Part; which has one of the writers and the same director as Road Kill. :)

It's not really a festival per se, but it's a screening and a worthwhile event.

A local theater company is hosting it as a fundraiser. Wish I was going to be in town this weekend now, I'll be missing both screenings. *sigh* I guess at least I'll be making money. :)
Wow, really well done! Great shots, i liked the story and the acting was very convincing. The only complaints i could come up with were all sound related. The ambience track was too quiet in a few spots, the dialog had a bit of a boxy quality and the overall mix needed some compression to pull up the volume levels. The boxy dialog was the only thing that really jumped out at me though. I kept saying it sounds like they shot this in a warehouse with concrete floors. What mic did you use? You should have run the dialog through a gate to trim off some of the verb tails and then add some warmth to the midrange. Sound is the hardest thing to pull of for 48 hour films and yours was better than 90% of what i have seen.
Wow, really well done! Great shots, i liked the story and the acting was very convincing. The only complaints i could come up with were all sound related. The ambience track was too quiet in a few spots, the dialog had a bit of a boxy quality and the overall mix needed some compression to pull up the volume levels. The boxy dialog was the only thing that really jumped out at me though. I kept saying it sounds like they shot this in a warehouse with concrete floors. What mic did you use? You should have run the dialog through a gate to trim off some of the verb tails and then add some warmth to the midrange. Sound is the hardest thing to pull of for 48 hour films and yours was better than 90% of what i have seen.

Honestly I have no idea what mic it was... it was some crappy rental from a local cable station, that had clearly been beat up -- a lot. We DID in fact shoot it in a warehouse with cement floors, so that accounts for that.. ;)

I've since done a bit more work on the audio and fixed most of the issues, I agree it is very quiet in this online version.

Thanks for the compliments, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
I had a meeting last week with the producer of the Minneapolis 48hr film project, and I was surprised to learn that Road Kill won Best Director at the Shamrock Film Festival.

I hadn't heard anything from the festival, so I assumed it didn't win anything, but apparently it was an oversight on their part that I was never contacted as I was unable to physically attend the festival.

I'm actually going to be going to pick up the award tomorrow. :)
Almost a year since my last post on this thread... just had to do a quick update. Road Kill placed third in the Short Drama/Comedy category at the Indie Gathering this year. Thanks to them for the award which arrived in the mail today...
