Revenge, XXX & Katana - Mi first feature film!

So during the quarantine I decided to take the step and make my first feature film, it's in Spanish but English subtitles are available!

This is probably one of my most personal works, for I was raised inside the bubble of religion, and with this movie I wanted to do EVERYTHING that was ever prohibited, so the movie has violence, racism, drugs, alcohol, explicit sex, etc.

The original name was "Revenge, Porn & Katana", but because of the movie content nobody wanted it in festivals or whatever. So I made a censored version, but it's not the typical censorship, pixelating and cutting scenes: I tried to be as creative as possible and make an unique, alternative edit of the film!

I've been making movies since I was 7 (25 now), and at least in Spain is SO F###ING hard to get to live from this, and obviously if anyone wants to support my work or collaborate, that's just why I'm here!

Looking forward to meet more Directors and Editors!
Upvote 1
This was a great production over all, ace sp-fx!, very comical in places, 'Mama boom Boom' was cool and funny, the Zebra teddy, gosh, took it to another level, poor 'Mateo', 'Romauldo' and 'Brooklyn', also some star wars thing's in there, the porn parts were funny lol What a revenge :)
Thank you very much for your words, Leppy!! I'm honestly surprised that someone actually watched the full thing in less than 24 hours. Really appreciate that you took time to post a comment both here and YouTube, it makes me feel that all those hours writting subtitles in english was worth it!!
Hey Frinkanih, I'm bumping this post back up to the top over the drone videos I just posted, just because you made an entire feature here, and I think it deserves a bit more attention than my solo drone compositions.
Thank you very much for your words, Leppy!! I'm honestly surprised that someone actually watched the full thing in less than 24 hours. Really appreciate that you took time to post a comment both here and YouTube, it makes me feel that all those hours writting subtitles in english was worth it!!
Your welcome, will there be another similar/sequel? i'm glad you added the subtitle's as it would have been difficult to watch, :)
Well, there's actually a sequel in that same channel, it's called "La Balada de Ripper Ringo", but it was no english subtitles yet.

Nevertheless, my idea with Thunder Zebra is create a huge Marvel-type universe, and characters from some movies will get to meet each other. A lot of work to do yet!!

Still, maybe you'd enjoy "Ebony Boombox" and "White Stalker", they're in the same grindhouse format, and they both include english subtitles - and even english dialogue!

Thank you so much again for your kind words :)