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watch Restless Leg Syndrome - Short Sketch

The dialogue @ :22 is inaudible.

The camera movement is inconsistent-@:31 it looks like the camera is on a see-saw, and then @:35 the camera makes a shaky up-and-down movement.

The ending is a little confusing to me, it's like you layered a joke(imaginary foot stool) within another joke(R.L.S.), and they don't really have a clear relationship to each other. Good luck on your future shorts, hope to see more. :)
Thanks for the comments and criticisms! With the camera movement, you're right, I wasn't completely happy with it either. I was doubling as boom op and camera op so for some shots I had to go in and add shake after the fact with After Effects. I think it looks better with different kinds of shakes than with shake on one angle and not the other.

In regards to the audio, it's weird. I had someone try to watch it on their Droid and they said they could hear the music, but not any of the dialogue. However on both of my PC's, I can hear all audio just fine. I wonder if you're not having the same problem? I don't know what causes it or how to fix it.
I know you used it intentionally, and a lot of people are doing that, and that's your creative decision to make. For what it's worth, though, I found the camera shake to be distracting.
Interesting, thanks! I like conventional cinema a lot more, but I don't really like just locked off tripod shots, and I didn't have the equipment to do more cinematic shots. Thanks for the input :)