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watch [REST] - Short Film

Hey guys, it's been far too long since I've posted, but we've been busy busy working on something to actually show for ourselves. Since I started my learning process here, and have alot of respect for alot of you; I'm posting this 2 weeks before the intended release date (5/5/12). Consider yourselves special :cool:

This is our first ever short film, titled [REST];

-This film was shot with a 4 man crew using only a Sony HDR-CX160.
-One of our actors was arrested during the first night of filming, because someone reported what you're about to see to the police as an actual crime!!
I really liked the mask. Overall it was a pretty morbid story. I really enjoyed some of the shots you had.

If I could make a suggestion it would be to work on audio. Both the voice audio and the sound effects where the reason it wasn't as scary as it could have been. The sound of stabbing or slashing louder would have made it a lot more creepy.

I enjoyed it for your first film!

Keep on going!