Reshooting old material

Watching my Delivery Day short today (shot back in a time when it was pretty much me and a camera and that's it) and I'm thinking about reshooting the interior scenes lighting wise. Is the lighting THAT bad that it would need reshoot-or could I play with it in post? (it's in the screening room, but those who haven't seen it (or want to watch it), I pretty much shot in daylight using only house lights-hey no budget:lol:)

My question to those who have reshot older shorts/footage with your newer skills/equipment: Did the new footage have the same "feel" as the original, the same personality-or was it almost a different film?
Of course it will change and evolve. But that doesn't have to be a bad thing. Whether or not it has the same energy is up to you.

I think the scene outside was cut at the right speed. I actually would cut the rest of the piece that tightly. For example, you've got several shots where you are either walking out of the frame or walking into it, and there are the spaces where there's nothing there. Chop those off, it should be instant when we see you leave frame to when you come in another. And make sure to pay attention to which side you are entering/exiting from so you don't throw off the viewer.

I've seen a great simple tutorial on editing that addresses all this stuff, I haven't been able to find it again though :(
Of course it will change and evolve. But that doesn't have to be a bad thing. Whether or not it has the same energy is up to you.

I think the scene outside was cut at the right speed. I actually would cut the rest of the piece that tightly. For example, you've got several shots where you are either walking out of the frame or walking into it, and there are the spaces where there's nothing there. Chop those off, it should be instant when we see you leave frame to when you come in another. And make sure to pay attention to which side you are entering/exiting from so you don't throw off the viewer.

I've seen a great simple tutorial on editing that addresses all this stuff, I haven't been able to find it again though :(

Thanks :)

I did wonder about those "lags", but I was almost afraid of cutting "too" close, not giving the viewer the time to "process" what's going on (yea, I'm about the "Quotes" today :lol:)

I know the library scene can get confusing, because there are two doors entering/leaving, but it can be tightened. I'll see about cutting down the lag time.
I know it's hard but you've just got to cut cut cut. Just keep reminding yourself to give the viewer some credit. It doesn't take very long for the brain to process what it's seeing.
Tinalera, I'm in the process of doing reshoots for a project that was mostly shot last summer and I'm optimistic that it does have the same feel/personality.

That being said, I think that you can do quite a bit with your footage in terms of color grading and I would play with that before reshooting - if nothing else to give yourself practice and maybe a better idea of what you need to do if you do decide to reshoot.
Tinalera, I'm in the process of doing reshoots for a project that was mostly shot last summer and I'm optimistic that it does have the same feel/personality.

That being said, I think that you can do quite a bit with your footage in terms of color grading and I would play with that before reshooting - if nothing else to give yourself practice and maybe a better idea of what you need to do if you do decide to reshoot.

So you have an idea what I'm thinking. I will try the grading and whatnot, see if it works. Part of it is that the bulk of the footage (all the inside stuff-not the library and outdoors) was shot in less than a week. I got the idea at 2 in the morning, and I just *went* with it.

For current stuff I use daylight bulbs. Someone suggested gelling the window to use sunlight, which sounded great, till I $aw how much gelling was:P(and I have a big window). So I used room lighting and hoped for the best.

Between what Dready said about cutting, and your ideas about grading, (and redoing the audio sound), I think I MIGHT have something that I could submit to festivals....we'll see.

Thanks for the feedback :)
I recently reshot a short I did because I wanted to enter it in a competition but my computer got a virus and I lost it.. To me, it totally lost the original feeling. It just wasn't the same. I don't know, I think it's not too bad, and if it improves the overall quality then go for it, but when I did it we were basically just remaking it so it wasn't the same.

I say go for it, if you don't like it, then hey you don't like it but theres always a chance you will like it.
I recently reshot a short I did because I wanted to enter it in a competition but my computer got a virus and I lost it.. To me, it totally lost the original feeling. It just wasn't the same. I don't know, I think it's not too bad, and if it improves the overall quality then go for it, but when I did it we were basically just remaking it so it wasn't the same.

I say go for it, if you don't like it, then hey you don't like it but theres always a chance you will like it.

I think that's what scares me-that'll I'll like it:lol:. Like you said, if I don't use it, I don't use it-we'll see how the editing goes with the current one.

I still remember the backlash when Lucas said he was "updating" the original Trilogy-many fans never forgave him for it. What was funny was some fans said "we supported your movie, you owe it to us not to change it!"