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Research + Writing: Firing On All Pistons

Excellent BTS of how research and writing go hand-in-hand, one leads the other to an elevated story that offers an audience a clearer view and a heightened sense of reality. What a team.


Also, for those choreographing fight scenes, this film is worth a look. I couldn't find that scene on YT, otherwise I would have posted it.
Great video. One of my favorite aspects of the writing process is all the research I sometimes have to do. One of my road movie screenplays in particular required me to go back and read about some of the states and cities I included in my script. I love that kind of stuff.
@barnaclelapse: That is good to hear. If it's not accurate, or very close, a reader will pick up on it. And just think if a reader is actually from one of those states or cities in your script. "Wait... that's not right."

@UC: True! Question for you -- is procrastination the same as writer's block? ;)

Cronenberg is one of those chameleon directors (like Peter Weir) that I am a huge fan of. Yes, he's made some WTF films (The Brood?? Whoa!) early in his career, but he's tackled so many subjects since then. And then to work with actors who are truly committed to their roles beyond what is on the page. Just awesome.

Research is so critical.
Headzup, the background music in this BTS is cut in about ideal. It doesn't "compete" with the primary dialog, a pet peave of mine.

Anyone wanna guess what that's knocked down to? About down to 25 - 30% of source?