editing replicating "bleed" in clone photos....

So I've been playing with garbage matting for single shot photography-here's my best "attempt" yet (it's called "sisters")


One of the things I wonder-any way I can replicate the natural "bleed" between characters in for and background (trying to avoid the "cut and paste") look? I'm thinking about doing a short with the sisters using "clones". I didn't use green screen here, but I'm guessing with "moving" characters it might be preferable?

Any advice would be appreciated.

This was shot with one model.
GIMP is the way to go. And there is a GIMP hack (it's own d/l) that fashions the user interface to be exactly like PS.

Your marquee (selection lasso) tool will have a feather ability. This basically smooths out your selection zone...it will blend from your selection area. The higher the feather, the deeper the blend. Try 5, then 10 and work your way up to suit your needs.
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Here's the sisters pic after my use of GIMP-what a difference. Even if for expert Gimp users it may seem primitive, it's a far cry from my earlier pic in this thread.

The "feather" tool is something I'm still learning about (I think it was the idea that you can adjust the radius of feather, but not the effect itself, so here I was sliding the radius slide trying to see the "different" grades of feather, and not seeing it, just how much area it covered).
You have to change the feather of the select tool *before* you make your selection. So, when trying a new feather, de-select everything, change your feather, and re-make your selection.

If you took a long time for the selection, you can 'save selection' and reload it when needed.

Just make sure you deselect, change feather, and reselect.
You have to change the feather of the select tool *before* you make your selection. So, when trying a new feather, de-select everything, change your feather, and re-make your selection.

If you took a long time for the selection, you can 'save selection' and reload it when needed.

Just make sure you deselect, change feather, and reselect.

So, feather is used in addition to another tool?

I would select feather, and say (I don't know) airbrush. It's not where you select an area and "apply" feather, feathering is used in conjuntction with another too. If so, that makes a lot more sense to what I've been doing :)

EDIT: I've played with it as per your advice, and NOW I'm getting it to work, thank you very much! I shall continue to play with it, and see what I can do with "self help" picture-but now it makes sense :)
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I've never used feather except in conjunction with the select tool (any tool that selects).

I guess the way I find it works best right now, is I used the wand to "select" the edge I want to feather. That edge gets highlighted. I then use airbrush to "cover" the highlighted area (with the feather setting on). The wand will NOT let me go outside the "setting" area. I can then increase or decrease radius and that adjust how "deep" the feather goes. When I do it without a selected area or with feather "off", I dont' get quite the same blend as I do with "feather" on: By having the selected area and the feather, I can a "boundry" which fades the colours into each other-I do that both sides of the edge, replicating bleed quite nicely.

Which ever way works I guess :) I do thank you for your advice, very much appreciated!

Just so you know where I'm coming from:

I will click, say Square select over a doorknob. I then go and click the "feather" button. Doing just that I see no difference, even sliding the radius bar back and forth. Only when I select the "fuzzy select" tool, , for example (again, just clicking the select tool and feather doesn't really do much), and painting along the "lines" with an airbrush (it won't let me go outside the lines) I replicate that blend or bleed that I don't get by just clicking select tool and then feather.

Am I making sense? lol
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Here's a youtube example of exactly what I am doing right now (and wanting to accomplish :)-the video isn't mine, but it's an example of what i'm doing (and was happy to see I wasn't losing my mind lol)
