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watch Repercussion - Short Film

This is a short film made by a group of year 12 students for a national competition run by SADD (Students Against Driving Drunk). The competition required us to create a film under five minutes in length, based on the theme "Individual Choice, Community of Consequences". We didn't find out about the competition until quite a way in, so we had only two weeks to completely write, shoot and edit the film, on top of exam revision which started the week the film was due for completion. We have been told that we are major prizewinners, but exactly what we have won won't be announced until early december.



Any comments/constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Jake
Good on ya for tackling an important message. :cool:

Very cool transitioning through those various doors. Dug it.

Sound was terrible, especially in that car at the beginning. In future situations, see if you can adjust the scene to utilise the Poor Man's Process. It really helps, when dealing with sound issues in a car.

Win big, and whatever you do - don't forget the message. And don't let others forget it, either.

Btw, back in the 80's there was a travelling mixed-media performance group who put on "The Road Show", which included Jenny's Song & an onstage motorcycle crash. Huge impact of a performance, and NZ schools bussed in students from all over to see it in their local theaterhouses. Is that still about? :blush: