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watch Remake/Adaptation of The Tell-Tale Heart

Feedback would be brilliant, i know the directing is a bit hit and miss here and there (not my job) and i do take responsibility for a couple of shots being a bit dodgy. Planning on making another short over the next couple of months.
I like how the old man is quite a likeable chap. :cool:

Didn't care much for the lighting. The image seems pretty flat.

Everyone looks plain purple, when the visitors drop by. How'd you arrange your night shots for that?

You definitely got all the shots needed to tell the story, mind you.

What's your next project about? :)
Yeah this was my first short where i had lighting at my disposal, and the lecturers didn't give us much chance beforehand to experiment with the lighting so when i turned up on the two days to shoot i had a few notes and sketches but nothing concrete. The only shot lighting im proud of is the shot where Jack walks towards the camera before he kills edward, i knew exactly what i wanted for that.

Hopefully the next time i have lighting at my disposal i will be able to do better things, cheers mate! :)