Releases - Models & more

I was searching about the 'net looking up info on still-photography, when I came across the Dan Heller website.

Within it, I found some very useful information that I think many filmmakers might find handy... regarding the issue of needing releases for models and locations/buildings.

Not a download of sample releases, but rather a discussion on the myriad of legalities (and risks) involved with shooting.

It covers quite a lot, including the dozens of ways in which releases may (or may not) be required in their presented context. Too much to explain, but it's definitely worth the long read. (Complete with many links)

It's primarily written for the still-photographer, but much applies to us all here.

Here's the direct link... << Dan Heller's Model Release Page >>

Zen,....I'm not sure if you are going to be actually using any images but just a precautionary note:

Be really careful about this sort of thing. I know someone who works at Getty Images. What that means is: You shoot the Hollywood sign at night and put it in your indie film and you may end up paying through the nose. Be careful and check this stuff out before you move...

--spinner :cool:
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