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Reintroducing characters


In my screenplay, I have my character's already introduced and I go along with the story in present time. Two thirds into the film, it shifts to four years later. Now in four years, some characters don't look different, but some do, especially teens. What I am asking is that after moving forward in time, shall I caps all character names again to re-introduce them? I' not including full names, but I was thinking like this:

BEFORE TIME FRAME (mixed in with the action lines):

JOE PETERS (15, male)
JANE TENNANT (10, female)
TAMMY FIELDS (10, female)
BILL SHILLINGS (mid 30s, male)
CHRISTIE WHITE (mid 30s, female)

AFTER TIME FRAME - 4 YEARS (mixed in with the action lines):

JOE (19)
JANE (14)
TAMMY (14)

(I've not included age for BILL or CHRISTIE because they are not going to look much different).

Just on your thoughts on what you will do.

From a story point of view I can't see the need to capitalise - just mention that time has passed and (presumably) how the characters have changed in appearance.

From a production point of view, if the older children will require different actors, then it may be useful to capitalise.