Recommending a movie: Kontroll

I am recommending a movie.

I am in the process of watching a film called "Kontroll"

The movie is the directoral debut of Nimrod Antal and was done in Budapest. Its an interesting looking film about these guys who are...uh,....subway transit cops(?) Anyway, there are about 5 guys in a crew they check the tickets of the passengers. (They are one of many crews.) The guys encounter all kinds of passengers and characters on their patrols in additon to the fact that there is some guy coming up behind people and pushing them off in front of moving trains.

If you want to read about it, go here:

or watch the rest of it on IFC, it is on now. It is subtitled, but I just saw one of the best on foot chase scenes I've seen in a while. :)

-- spinner :cool: