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watch Really Bad Audition


I've had actors come in and audition this bad. But, this is the talented Alisa Lova doing her best to suck.
That's funny. They have to start somewhere. She has a good voice, so even if she pretends to act bad her voice is still pretty good. Monotone, and unresponsive but good.
I like the idea of this. However, a few suggestions:
The audition just lasts too long. It stops being funny about halfway through. I'd rather watch the video if it was a minute long, it would be tighter and funnier throughout.
The back-scratch joke..I just don't see that as being funny.

I would make the ending less...abrupt. It's just the girl auditioning, the people at the table pretending to like her, and then just..talking. You should end it with maybe a scene of the people conducting the audition asking her to try harder, or telling her she probably didn't get the job, and her response to it. That way, you can have more jokes, as well as showing the apparent talents of Alisa more.

But it was a really good concept, those are just my opinions.
Ernest: Yeah. She's a good actress.

Theanthonyya: This is a complete version for the actress. I had 5 - 6 come in and read. Each one got a complete version for themselves. Each one did one thing specific to their character, and they all read the same awful sides. In the actual movie, there will just be a montage. But, I enjoy this one the most. But, thanks for the suggestions. Help is always appreciated.
I thought the back scratching joke made the whole thing! haha personal taste I guess

That's my favorite part also. Though Alisa's facial expression when she lifts her blouse is pretty priceless.

Leslie is a really cheap casting agent who shows up swigging vodka, and she has a mean rash that's making her scratch incessantly. It's some funny stuff, and she's an amazing actress. Now we just have to reshoot it all.
Before I go out for TV auditions I'll get my wife to run lines with me. She reads every line as a question. I thank god everyday that she has no interest in the entertainment industry because I wouldn't have the heart to tell her she's almost impossible to work off of.