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Reality Check Multimedia

Good evening all -

I recently joined the site as a Premiere member right off the bat in order to enter the Script To Screen Challenge. The longer I'm here, the more I get sucked in, so here I am plugging my studio. How sad.

reality check multimedia

Myself and my sister Nancy are experienced photographers shooting both 35mm and digital. We completed our debut feature (as a director/camera op duo) last year, during production of which I also voiced a main character in Sam Lawlace's film Winston Churchill: Escape From Pretoria which won Best Animation at the 2006 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival. Together we continue to explore new film ideas and techniques.

These days I'm engaged primarily in writing, she in portraiture study. We're both available for hire. ;)
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Hello Mike, and welcome!

Nothing sad about plugging! That's how you get feedback. I like the site design -- nice and clean. The gallery photos did not load in the pop-up window.

I hope you get a lot from the IndieTalk site -- and good luck with the competition!