Ready for a fun weekend?

Ok, so "fun" is relative I suppose...

Coffee in hand, a 4-pack of 'monster' energy drink in the passenger seat of the car.. and in two minutes I'm off to begin working on our entry to the Minneapolis leg of the 48 hour film project.

Ugh.. we got stuck with MUSICAL. The required elements (character name/occupation, prop, and line) aren't all that great either...

Character: D. Poe / Runway Model
Prop: Balloon that reads Congratulations
Line: "Have you got a breath mint?"

Hmmm and now 34 hours remain until the deadline.. I'm off!

(Pssst.. I'll put it up when it's done, no matter how godawful I think it is.)
Good luck Will!!

Pick up an extra 8-pack of 'monster' energy drink. It's just got to get you through 34 hours, right?

Seriously though - best of luck. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.
Well the weather has been a big setback thus far.. it rained HARD until about 30 minutes ago.. the story has changed twice already, and now we're about to write the THIRD story.. (starting from square one)

AND half the team bailed.. but I was able to hang onto the actors! They're the most vital element to the production anyway (at this point) ... I'm not giving up though, not until 7:00PM tomorrow night when it's due! If it comes down to it I'll draw some stick figures and animate them or something.. :D
Looking forward to seeing it! :D

You may suffer hair loss and cardiac arrest while going through it, but the feeling you get when you hand that finished tape in at the end is worth it.

Go Will! :cool:
Well it rained HARD all day Saturday.. and the team couldn't agree on anything to do indoors, so most of them bailed.. at about 6pm one of my actors had gone to work, and the other remaining actor, his friend, and I went to a restaraunt to try and write a new script, which we did, and it would have been easy to do.. three locations, only one outside (by then it had stopped raining)

So we met the first actor when she got home from work and shot her three scenes, then headed off to the other apartment, and the girl they had called to fill one of the roles refused to do it. "I can't, I feel weird.. besides I don't act." etc. So at that point I basically decided it was over. We could have slightly changed the script to do it with the remaining people, but that was just clinging to a sinking ship..

Sunday early afternoon, I had another last-ditch-effort idea, get back with my one available actor, attempt to play a guitar (I'm really not good) and just improvise a blues song about the terrible weekend, the bad luck we got with the genre, etc.. but by the time I was finally able to get to where he was it was a little after 6pm, and almost an hour (in good traffic conditions) from the turn in location. Which means we would have had to get it done immediately on my arrival and in one take, then drop the bars and tone, etc.. on and drive up to drop it off.. well needless to say, that didn't happen. :(

So I got nothing. Maybe next year.