Read an awesomely bad review of OU uncovered!!!

I feel that was a tad harsh for a review of a student film. And it isn't like OU Uncovered was an attempt at a poignant investigation in to OU's past. It was ten minute joke about silliness.

That guy needs a life.

He actually told me it was a bad review before he put it up and asked me if it was okay, so he's still cool to's just his opinion anyway. A lot of people liked it.
Well, I've already mentioned that I prefer your other one, "Double Or Nothing".... while I pretty much agree with the actual review, I still though it was a pretty cheap shot likening your film to giving elderly people free license to go willy-nilly on an editing platform in an adderly state.

Add it to a list of reviews, learn from any legitimate criticism... and just get better from there. :P

...still waiting on DON2, btw....
I don't remember if your the person in this forum that I already told, but DON2 will not be finished until December 04 or January 05 because it takes place in the winter when all plants are dead...I can't shoot critical footage until winter...sorry, but it WILL come out someday, haha!!
..funny thing is...I actually agree. I'm much prouder of Double or Nothing than OUu. Yet OU got accepted to Microcinema Fest (DON didn't). Same with the review; I sent them both movies to be reviewed...then again OU didn't get put up on and DON did, so I guess the movies are so different they just appeal to different people.

I can't wait to start filming my next few shorts, but I have to wait at least a week, I hate that waiting period when everything is written and set up.