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watch Raise the Bridges, Wonder Why Music Video

Here's a new video I finished for a band on my label, Raise the Bridges. Took one of the band members ideas and made it realistic for a shoot that we could do in 2 days.

Pretty proud of this one, especially the transitions from set to set, despite the fact that my camera man was having issues with his lenses that day. Comments and feedback appreciated!

my brother by another mother, that was FANTASTIC. You have a right to be proud. I really enjoyed that song as well.

(cept i only heard music on one side of my head phones, maybe it was me, but Id double check... )
Too much fish-eye!

Nice editing, though. You've got a nice touch for music videos. I don't like this one as much as I did the Chicharones one, but this is still some very nice work. Kudos!

One thing I noticed that you might take with you on future shoots -- the lead singer is practically screaming his part in the recorded music, but he casually mumbles it in the video recording. For me, this kinda throws me off. For the video shoot, I would have him actually sing it the same way he sings it in the song.
Missed this one. Yeah, you definitely have a handle on the music video genre. Using the camera pan for wipe/match edits was great. They kinda have a Mighty, Mighty Bosstones thing going on, eh? Let's hope their livers hold up for another few albums. :eek: Ah, to be a rock star...
Thanks you guys for the props! I was begining to wonder if people where skipping over it cuz they thought it was the first one again.... I do have a fetish for music videos, so your compliments mean allot!!!

Wheat: Thanks man! Glad you enjoyed! Let me know if your still having sound issues, it should be in stereo I believe...

Cracker: Actually, only the first and last 2 shots where done with a fish eye on my 5D. The rest of the video was show with a really wide 17mm off a adapter on a Sony XD, it was the only way we could get the shots inside the house in the first sequence, n then kept with it for continuity. And thanks for the feedback on the vocals, something I will keep in mind for future shoots!

Flicker: God, I hope they're livers hold out too!!!