Rain Effects? How the hell...


If the scene is a night scene, put a light across the path lens of the camera, but in front of the action. Then drop the rain through the band of light. Providing you wet down the actors and anything else that's lit, this works really well.

For daytime, well, I've always used the fire truck. Most major Fire departments in the UK have a thing called the Young Firefighters. Like Army cadets only fire fighters. They usually have their own tenders and may be tempted out for a day's rain making if you ask in the right way and offer then sufficient credit. Stunts like this can also be used to get regional tv news crews interested in your film, providing free publicity. Kids, fire engines, film making, it's a sure fire (no pun intended) fluffy story to end off the regional deaths and political scandals.
What would the fire department charge for such service? do they volunteer for indie work?

im thinking there has to be some kind of fee.