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Raghop - The Mobile Box Office

Raghop is a mobile based box office. A venue for independent filmmakers to exhibit and make profits on their movies they've produced.

Visit http://www.raghop.com

Be The First 20 Click Here
Please don't spam the forum by posting the same thing multiple times like this.

I'm already skeptical about the concept of your site - when you come here and spam like that it just makes me even less likely to take it seriously.
Sorry, First time on this site. I'll make sure it won't happen again. Herb.
And you don't need a new thread for each feature you offer.
Anyone interested can read one thread.

I don’t know if you are interested in hearing from a filmmaker
about your site but here goes:

Your site raises a couple of red flags to me. On your “About Us”
page you have several unattributed quotes. Who said these things
about Raghop? You?

You say “No more entry fees” but you charge a fee. That seems
misleading even if that isn’t your intent. When “technically” not
a festival entry fee, you do charge a fee every month the film is
on your site. Playing with terms?

You do not say how will draw paying customers to your site. Most
of the similar sites require me - the filmmaker - to do all the promoting.

Is there an audience out there for these kinds of films? Your price
($6 for a feature, $3 for a short) is about what I see for On Demand.
I know most indie filmmakers do not pay to watch indie films so I
wonder who the audience is. I’m sure you have done extensive research
on this.

I do like that entire $6 goes to the filmmaker.
As soon as I got to the following in the FAQ, I ran for the hills on this site.


My movie is on YouTube and Vimeo right now. But I want to put it on Raghop so I can make some revenue. Is that permitted?


Raghop wants exclusive movies only. But why would you have the movie on a free video sharing site anyway? It would hurt you more than us. Remember, if you are on Raghop you are possibly receiving some profits. By having your same movie on a video free sharing site you are losing patrons. But if you still want to have your movie on a free video sharing site, be our guest. It's not very intelligent to do so.
That didn't bother me. The "exclusive" doesn't seem to be a
contract - just that they "want" an exclusive deal and point
out why it might be better for the filmmaker. Not sure I have
that right, but that's the way I read it.
First, thanks for your reply and concern directorik.

1.) “No more entry fees” but you charge a fee. That seems
misleading even if that isn’t your intent. When “technically” not
a festival entry fee, you do charge a fee every month the film is
on your site. Playing with terms?

The reply: We don't intent to be misleading. It's a registration fee (as if it's hosting) This is to maintain your actual film on Raghop. Raghop receives $2 per transaction out of $15.00. The rest is for maintenance. Not to mention, entry fees are for entering in a festival not for exhibiting a film. (most filmmakers submit an entry fee and get rejected where as we submit your film via web and VOD) Also, we don't touch or control your ticket sales. Please read this. The filmmaker can cancel at anytime of the month. No strings attach.

2.) Your site raises a couple of red flags to me. On your “About Us”
page you have several unattributed quotes. Who said these things
about Raghop? You?

The reply: I'm not a filmmaker. The quote is from two filmmakers I cannot disclose at this time. And to protect their privacy. They have no affiliation with Raghop.

3.) You do not say how will draw paying customers to your site. Most
of the similar sites require me - the filmmaker - to do all the promoting.

The reply: We draw our customers from various venues via web. We and the filmmaker promote the film with a external link that can be used throughout social networks. Filmmaker will promote the film by 20% which is all included in the registration. Actually, we will extend an extra month for films that perform well on Raghop with no cost to the filmmaker.

IF ANYONE HAS DOUBTS ABOUT THIS SERVICE ... Just for you 'directorik' I will exhibit your feature or short film must be exclusive on Raghop. I will waive the $15.00 registration fee for you free for a year. Send it to hmorris@raghop.com give me your film bio, poster and online merchant account like Paypal or Google Checkout.

Thanks, Herb
IF ANYONE HAS DOUBTS ABOUT THIS SERVICE ... Just for you 'directorik' I will exhibit your feature or short film must be exclusive on Raghop.
Thanks for the kind offer. I am not comfortable offering any of my features
exclusively to an on line platform. I guess I was wrong about your FAQ and
you do require an exclusive deal.

Anyway, I do not need a special deal - $15 a month is very fair and something
I could afford. I do not intend to be rude - only to offer an opinion from a
filmmaker looking at your site. If you are comfortable putting up unattributed
quotes I would never suggest you change them. It raises a red flag with me,
that's all.

I wish you the best with this and I will be checking your site regularly to see
all the films uploaded. I hope is't a great success for you and all the filmmakers.
Oh no I'm not offended or upset. That's okay. It's not an exclusive deal it's just films that other free sharing sites. That's all. This is just another venue for filmmaker and movie lovers.

Thanks 4 your interest and honesty, Herb
Also, we know that anything can be hacked. However, Raghop does have a pretty secure way for films not to be stolen off the site. About 88%. We have ran lots of test and demos on this site for that not to happen.
