Why can't people have opinions here without someone calling them "the jaded public"?
There weren't even any jump scares in the movie - especially since they gave everything away in the trailer.
Jump scares aren't good horror, at all.
We have PG-13, am I wrong? Because I think it goes from G --> PG --> PG-13 --> *don't know if there's another* --> R --> AO
Jump scares IS what good horror is about. It's why it is used ad-nauseum
“The 3 types of terror: The Gross-out: the sight of a severed head tumbling down a flight of stairs, it's when the lights go out and something green and slimy splatters against your arm. The Horror: the unnatural, spiders the size of bears, the dead waking up and walking around, it's when the lights go out and something with claws grabs you by the arm. And the last and worse one: Terror, when you come home and notice everything you own had been taken away and replaced by an exact substitute. It's when the lights go out and you feel something behind you, you hear it, you feel its breath against your ear, but when you turn around, there's nothing there...”
What makes an R rating over PG?
"Films that receive an R rating do so because of explicit sex, nudity, violence or harsh language. For example, if a film uses the F-word more than four times, it will receive an automatic R rating."
Is that really true?
I feel Australia is so much more relaxed in terms of classification:
In the 1990s Australian courts ruled that coarse language was no longer offensive due to its common usage and TV networks began allowing the word "fuck" to go to air, particularly where it was seen as vital to the storyline of a movie. Later "c**t" was also broadcast but only when it was vital to the storyline however, some regional stations still choose to censor it
I never got the rating systems logically. In the U.S., the legal drinking age is 21. The age of consent is 16-18, depending on state. Yet movies showing sexual intercourse, will get an R, and movies showing drinking will get a PG-13. If sex is worse than drinking than why does America view drinking as more strict, law wise?