Hi Nate, thanks for the question.
In my experience, most licensing rates you will find mentioned online for well known music (including B side and lesser known music titles from well known artists/composers) is either outdated or a very broad estimate. Even worse, sometimes you find completely inaccurate information.
The best way to know exactly what current rates are for any specific music title is to request a quote and approval from all of the current rights owners of that music. This obviously requires, researching all the current rights owners, contacting all of them to confirm their percentage of ownership and then making the request for the license you are interested in.
Ultimately, the rate that rights owners typically quote for their music depends on a number of factors like...
-What media the video using the music will be released on/in like YouTube or other websites and platforms.
-How the music will be featured in the video (ex. background use, featured use).
-Where the music will appear in the video (ex. intro, key moment, end credits or outro).
-What territory the video will be released in (ex. U.S. only, North America, Worldwide).
-Will the music be used in the video for or during any sponsored or promotional use.
... and other questions rights owners typically ask about the project.
Current market rate and demand for the music title based on it's historical earnings through sync licensing is typically how rights owners value their music titles and catalogs. Public video views and streams are not usually a factor in how they value sync licensing rates in my experience. Mainly because those are two different types of rights, public performance vs sync licensing.
There are options for independent video creators to keep music licensing cost at a more affordable rate. Once you have connected with each rights owner and have received a quote, you can often negotiate the overall licensing cost by adjusting the terms and rate as needed to get it closer to your budget.
Let me know if you have any other questions or if you ever need help with all the steps I mentioned above to request quotes and approvals?
Thanks again!