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questions about fcp

Hi all,

just a quick question about fcp - would you consider this to be the best software to use to edit drama, or is there better software to use? What would you say are the issues/restrictions with fcp?

Lara from oz
Some people love it, others hate it - whether it's the best piece of software for editing drama is mostly subjective personal preference. It's been used to edit big feature films for years and a lot of professionals seem to like it, so it must be quite good.

Avid is probably more popular among professional users - whether that makes it better or not in your eyes I don't know. Premiere Pro has gained traction in the past year or two but is not yet as widely used as the other two - a smaller user base may or may not be a disadvantage for you.

The biggest restriction of Final Cut is that it will only run on OS X - if you need to share project files between Mac-based and PC-based editors, this could be a problem.
I have never met anyone who hates Final Cut. I have met
many people who prefer Premiere or Avid. All three (and
Sony Vegas) are software that can be used to edit any genre.
No software is better with one genre over another. And all
of them are excellent. All of them have their issues. Ever
worked with any absolutely perfect software?

Lara, if you are currently using a Mac then FCP will be fine
for which ever genre you decide to edit. If you are not, then
Premiere will be an excellent choice. Once you choose the
editing software and become accustom to using it, you will
love which ever one one you choose.

And if down the road you decide to edit a comedy or a commercial
or a music video the software you choose will be just as good.
Bottom line. They edit video. FCP, Adobe Premeire And avid can mostly export the same formats and edit HD. It's about your personal PREFERENCE. I PREFER Final Cut because it's what I was taught on.
Also in studio, we use both The adobe suite, and Final cut studio, no AVID though since we're a MAC shop. Now we do have one PC for the teleprompters with windows movie maker set up as a joke for interns. But it's purely personal preference