film-school Question about whether or not to go to film school.

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I asked a lot of people who have more experience than me before, and they said that film school wasn't worth the money, cause I could just learn by making my own projects, that I would have more control over. So I was almost set on not to go, but then two graduates I tracked down got back to me now, and they said it was totally worth the money, learning and collaborating, and they pointed out the reasons why.

I am now really undecided and confused about whether or not to go, cause two students said it was totally worth it, but yet, people with other filmmaking experience, who have gone to schools that offer longer courses, said that the one in my city is waist. So I am not sure who's opinion to go by now, or what guts and instincts to follow. I was wondering if anyone had any input on this sort of thing, when it comes to making this type of big decision. Here is the course:

Here is the program: Picture Arts

What do you think?
Make up your mind based on the opinions then. Why are you asking for opinions of opinions? Please man! This is closed, as has been exhausted.
Well I talked to two students so far, and they said it was worth it cause of the collaborative process and the connections they made. So it seems that he connections are the highlights perhaps... I've also learned from some tutorials online. There are a lot of good ones out there, but the disadvantage is, is that not everything is covered, where as in school, if you hit roadblocks in how the equipment or software works for example, you can ask questions as well, and cover those roadblocks, that might otherwise be skipped over online.
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