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Question about quality/Transcoding

I wanted to know what these things are that show up on my footage. This is in a lot of my footage after imported. It's like grainy breaks of color in the footage. I dont know If im doing something wrong or what. Can someone please tell me whats wrong? This isnt the worst it gets either. It's like the colors dont blend so there is just artifacts in the footage. Please let me know what i can do to change this.

I don't personally see the difference. But, it might just be the sun. The circles in the top photo look like sun rays. The third one just shows more detail of the sweatshirt because of the sun. the other two I don't get the problem.

But, I could be wrong. I'm not great at this.
I see some "clipping" in the black. Also I see "banding"

tracking this down will DRIVE YOU INSANE. Dont go insane (Iv already been down this dark path), its not your footage, its not your camera, its not your software, its your monitor.

Even now, if I look at this page on a different computer I DON'T SEE the clipping and banding.

Check this out.. you should see the same thing.. lots of banding.. on my other monitor its a smooth gradient.. but on "this one" its a bunch of steps..


Memorize this URL and go to BEST BUY or your fav. computer store and load this page up on any monitor you want to try.. if you don't see a smooth gradient.. move on..

Rest easy, on my good monitor you shots look nice and smooth.. !!