Question about hiring actors with no or little pay

Is it considered "Hiring" an actor if you dont pay them? also, What do you guys usually offer them? Free lunches, pick ups and drop off or an arangment of other shuttle service? What about insurence? What if someone slipped and broke their hip on set. Does one get insurence or is there a contract you get them to sign saying they are free agents and waiv all liabilities for performing on location.

I know some people just get a crew together and hire people but that is risky especially if you're a property owner.

I hope these dont sound like lame questions, I think they are very important. Also where does one find a contract freeing them of any lawsuits?

-discuss :)
this also came to mind..

If you rent a Hall or Conference room do you have to get the hotel or property owner to free you of liabilities in case someone got injured or do you add the property owners as part of not being responsible.
Have them sign a waiver saying that if they are injured they will not hold you, the production company, or location responsible. Everyone including crew should sign this agreement, and copies should be given to every location owner.

That should keep you from being liable should someone break their hip or whatnot, but some locations might still want you to carry insurance that specifies them as the payee should any damage to their property occur.

You could do one waiver for all the locations, or could do a seperate one for each location. Either way should work just fine.
Waivers have little or no legal weight, however, so while it's always a good precuation, it's not a failsafe. If someone wants to sue you, they can and will, waiver or no.
Demosthenes X said:
Waivers have little or no legal weight, however, so while it's always a good precuation, it's not a failsafe. If someone wants to sue you, they can and will, waiver or no.

In America as well as Canada? :D
I don't think they'll win though. They would have to prove that you were responsible. But if you play it safe, you'll probably have it on tape (considering you are filming :) ) so I'm betting it's not a problem.
And if you need the pesky actors *out of the picture*, you know who to call.

If you don't know who to call, you can call me.

King Goldfish said:
Is it considered "Hiring" an actor if you dont pay them? also, What do you guys usually offer them?

i offered him a game of pool. i said that i would bet my virginity. he played, he won. we made beautiful cinema. not in that order.
i just entice them using charisma and charm. and if that fails, then some form of bet. i have 'lost' my virginity thrice now.....