Question about Fog

Hey guys,
I have a question on using fog machines in productions. Is there a specific type of machine/fog juice you need to use to have the fog exist longer? I purchased one a few days ago for a production and I read that you can fan the smoke so that its not so thick, but when I do the fog that I have just disappears and its kinda pointless (I couldnt even use it for the production!)... I have the doors closed and the fog isnt escaping from the room it just sort of evaporated rather quickly. Is there a special technique for this? Just wondering wether I should return the machine and get a better one or get different juice. :huh:
The Camera Girl
Hmmm... in the past, if it isn't foggy enough, we just spread more fog until it is. And on all sets using fog, you always have to prime it right before the shot. Just lay it on thick and fan it over the subjects and backgrounds. We've used a $60 fog machine on a shoot before, and though it's not the same as the $2,000 models (I used one on a music video shoot), it just means you have to lay it on a little more. It also comes out more on camera- when you play it back on a monitor, I'm sure you'll notice a difference. It's also in the lighting too. Try and keep the fog behind the subjects so it doesn't blur them. That's the extent of my knowledge about fog.
You'll want to get hold of some theatrical (oil based) fog rather than the water based stuff you'll find at Target or Spencer's. They'll both work in the same fogger, but the oil tends to last longer and stay more cohesive...also leaves a slight film on everything after a time.

A hazer will keep a room full of the stuff with smaller particles that lights are friendlier with.

Less volume of fog between camera and subject (less distance) and more between subject and background (more distance) will get you more clear subjects with more hazed out backgrounds. As you decrease the distance from camera to object, the object will become more clearly represented as the volume of particles between the lens and the object lessens.

Next...the physics of particles ;)
First thing I'd do is look in the yellow pages for Sound/Lighting supply companies.. (Think DJ/nightclub/concert type)

Otherwise, there's plenty of places online you could get it...

Musicians Friend has it for about $25

You can also get it from amazon for the same price:

Something else to keep in mind is that the smell of fog tends to bother some people, so you might consider adding a scent to make it more palatable..