For a promotional video project, I was hired to do, I had to shoot a lot of scenes of building construction, outside, Since the construction was moving very fast, and it was unscripted or anything, I didn't have time to put ND filters on the camera lens, and take them off, every time from quickly moving from interior to exterior, and vice versa.
Closing the aperture and shooting on the lowest gain was not enough, to take down the sun exposure, so I had to increase the shutter speed quite high for some of the shots. There is no motion blur in the shots, and I would like to make it look like it was shot at 1/50 around, to match the rest of the footage, and look more cinematic.
I watched some tutorials on how to do this Premiere Pro, and they said that in order to add motion blur I have to increase the "shutter angle", as it's called. But when I do that, nothing happens, and it still all looks the same. Am I doing something wrong, is there a factor that the tutorials do not cover, that comes into play?
Closing the aperture and shooting on the lowest gain was not enough, to take down the sun exposure, so I had to increase the shutter speed quite high for some of the shots. There is no motion blur in the shots, and I would like to make it look like it was shot at 1/50 around, to match the rest of the footage, and look more cinematic.
I watched some tutorials on how to do this Premiere Pro, and they said that in order to add motion blur I have to increase the "shutter angle", as it's called. But when I do that, nothing happens, and it still all looks the same. Am I doing something wrong, is there a factor that the tutorials do not cover, that comes into play?