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Query Letter - Script Submission

* I'm posting this in screenwriting, but please relocate to promotions if that's a better fit. *

I recently had a query letter put together by a small company called VeniceArts for a feature screenplay which was emailed to nearly 1,000 agents, managers, producers and production companies.

It only went out a week ago, and the "Thanks, although it's not quite right for us" replies are trickling in, figured they would, but the coolest request for an actual read came from Thomas Jane (The Mist, The Punisher). :D I'm well aware there are no guarantees in this crazy business and getting a 'request' is the equivalent of exchanging business cards, but it is fun to dream. Who knows?

My experience with Lisa at VeniceArts was everything I had hoped for and I can't recommend her query services enough, especially since the pricing is very reasonable. There's plenty of handholding, professional guidance and she won't hit send until you're absolutely satisfied with the letter.


Awesome, Flicker! Best of luck!!!

As someone who's been there a time or two, I'll just say don't get too excited cuz the letdowns can be a real bummer (hopefully that won't be the case). My most recent script went out to Scott Free last month - the third one of mine they've considered. They wound up passing, obviously, but it never ceases to give me a rush every time one gets through the gate!
Oh, I hear you, 2001. I used to wear my rose colored glasses while counting all of my eggs, but now I brace any excitement with a heavy dose of cautious optimism and a cold hard reality slap. Bam!

Suuuper cool about the Scott Free looks. I bet that was quite a rush indeed!