I'm sorry for lashing out just now, Sweetie. While I was walking my dogs a moment ago, I realized that your comments are given in my best interest, and/or the best interest of anybody reading. It's really nice of you to take the time to offer advice on this subject.
It just so happens that your advice doesn't have any real applications in this particular situation, but it was still nice of you to offer it.
You see, I'm working on a tiny budget. Like, practically nothing. The goal is to get the film into a prestigious film festival, and then hopefully we can roll that success into something bigger. And that is why we only need the rights to the song for a one-year festival run. Not that I need to justify myself to you, but I just wanted to let you know that while your advice is appreciated, it misses the point.
Which, by the way, the aforementioned goals for the movie is basically what I told the publishers of the song. I was simply honest in telling them about my film, the budget (or lack thereof), and what I except/hope to come of it. Although I previously mentioned "negotiations", there weren't any. All I did was let them know who I am and what I want to do with the song and they gave me a very affordable option.
Seeing as how everyone predicted I wouldn't be able to acquire the song rights, I'd think this new development is deserving of either a sincere congrats, or nothing at all. Remember that thing they taught us in kindergarten?
I realize you mean well in your comments, so I thank you for them, mis-guided though they may be.