Thank you for the suggestions guys.
In order to turn a 40 minute production into a 22 minute production, scenes had to be removed, shortened, and combined.
I still want to complete the 40 minute version when funds become available. There are unfinished scenes in that version. Besides 2 more shooting days to finish a fight scene that was only started, I need to make a rocket attack by the silver demon hunters against the cyborgs look more convincing. I took the best pieces of that and combined it with another fight scene for the 22 minute version.
Also, I need a big 3D animated scene of Andromeda vs the silver demon hunter mother ship in space battle for the 40 minute version. This battle is not in the 22 minute version.
The film composer gave the 22 minute production the same criticism Fox TV gave Josh Friedman about his Terminator TV series, "dumb it down." Just like Josh, I'm not. I'm too much of a fan of science fiction classics.
She thought the costumes cost a fortune. She liked the costumes. A SFx guy elsewhere though I broke the bank with the costumes too, until I explained to both I had the costumes made in China and saved a bundle.