
Hello there everyone. It feels good to move into a new field again - it is refreshing to once again know what it is to be a newb. I come from an IT and electronic music production background but capturing video has long been beyond the reach of my grasping, clasping, clammy hands. But no more.

I may rant a little in this introduction, but I will keep it as brief as I can. Please bare with me. It is indie film related ;)

For some time I have been planning to write my first professional album (audio) and I have put in a lot of groundwork. I am going to write and record the entire album from my van, on the road, as I travel around Australia for 12 months or so (with my dog). My entire studio is finished and powered by a 12v/240v pure sine wave electrical system in the van with a humongous auxiliary battery, alternator and 175w solar panel. The car has a modern $4000 PC in it with 3.6mbps wireless internet access, 24' 1920X1200 LCD, Blu-Ray burner and 5.1 near field monitoring. The entire system runs perfectly and I can run the computer and sequence and record audio with the car off in the dead of night for over 10hrs before getting to 50% battery charge. Sounds fun huh?

Well I decided to complicate the whole thing further by documenting the entire journey on video. I then decided to complicate it further by planning to make it into an actual independent documentary. In HD. And 5.1 surround. On Blu-Ray. By myself. I am going to die, aren't i?

Anyhow thought I would say hello as I will be hanging around and leeching off your combined knowledge in a parasitic fashion. I have ointment.

I have the money, the time and the motivation, just not the sense, knowledge, skill, understanding, instinct, talent, resourcefulness, training or one of those director chair thingies I need. Right? I am gunna do grrrrrrreeeeaaattt!
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In case you haven't already thought about this:

INSURE YOUR EQUIPMENT. I know of some bands who have had their equipment stolen from their vehicles. If you are gonna put all of that stuff in there, have it insured as a precautiion. And get a GOOD SECURITY SYSTEM for your car. I rarely let my equipment out of my sight.

The idea sounds good, I would hate to see it cut short because of something like a break in....

Welcome to the board :hi:

-- spinner :cool: