archived-videos PSEUDO HEROS

Interesting short piece, good work.

Ummm... one thing. Shouldn't it be "pseudo heroes?" Dan Quayle would be proud, though.
I have no idea what the story was about, but the various super-heroes (dear god, they looked funny) made up for that. :D

I had to scrub my eyes clean with sandpaper after Wonder Woman made her appearance. Yikes! :shock:

Based my rating on the "comic schlock factor"... so it's not so bad. :wink:
This would have been SUPER good if there was more to it. All we get is a few costume changes and sad one liners? C'mon, I want to see their arch nemesis, Wally, the studly, smart, good looking land lord.

haha thanks guys. ya theres lots to work on and we might in the future. origionaly it was an idea for a skit comedy show. but we adapted it for a contest and it was limited to 4 min we had to cut alot from the origional script to make the 4 min :(
My Pseudo Hero, Extra Hand Man, gives this short "three thumbs up."*

My only wish is the sound was better.


*"Three Thumbs Up" is a trade mark of Extra Hand Man Productions.
ya the sound was a major issue but we only had about a mth for writing filming and editing :( then we had to mail it before the deadline so time was tight. stupid sound :( :P
robcompton said:
... it was limited to 4 min we had to cut alot from the origional script to make the 4 min :(

That makes sense. My advice would be to flesh it out a bit more, you have the makings of something extremely funny (the last shot is a hoot).

SteveSutton said:
Yeah, the Wonder Woman and Supergirl thing was...unexpected. :)

Hmmm...that's a big smily face you have there...

That was pretty good...would've been tons better if the sound was cleaner. Maybe for the next series you can bring in some help from Skywalker Sound.
ya i've got somone I thnk I'm gonna bring in specificly for sound. I think we're eventualy going to re-edit just to normalize then it'll be alot better. now I just need to convince our editor :P
Favorite part was when after the Flash 'runs' the other dude gets up and bails, then walks by the flash as he's still running in place. Musta been fun running through the wall too.