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watch Providence 48hr -- Best Part of Waking Up

Providence 48hr -- Best Part of Staying Up

Hey everyone. Our Providence, RI entry of the 48hr Film Fest is finally up online.

Director: Daniel Lee White
DP/Cam Op: Richard Griffin
Genre: Musical or Western
Character: Sam Needham, addict
Line of Dialog: I'm pretty sure that's not right
Prop: Coffee Pot or Maker

I was very happy with the outcome, and thought the production was tight. We did not take home any awards, which I'm not sure I agree with, but hey I guess I'm bias. I do agree with other critiques that mention the story being a little confusing--lacking the narrative flow it should have had. But like I said...overall it's really sharp, and damn funny (to me).

A lot of these people are my good friends, so I had a blast shooting it. Enjoy:

(watch in HD): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziQynJBPho0
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Heh, The Ballad of the PA may have been the shortest song, but it was spot on. :lol:

I didn't find the story confusing at all, though it really wasn't much of a story I 'spose.

Where did you get that awesome clown/thing/set for the finale?
Well, to be honest, the reason the story isn't confusing for you...is the text openers were added after the festival. Trust me...that helps.

I personally didn't like the PA bit...that's the only part I would have cut--it slows things way too down. This has nothing to do with the actor mind you, it's a pacing issue...but hey...I'm really glad to hear you like it.

We got the ending prop/s from the basement of our location. We often shoot at a Community College (one of our crew teaches film there), and there are tons of props in the basement. We piecemealed the entire thing togther...including the jester which we rigged to a crane or high rise thing whatever you call it. It was pretty fun.

Thanks Steve.
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