Prosumer Camcorder Shopping Help

Can anyone recommend a prosumer full HD camcorder with full manual controls for around $2,000? I can go as high as $2,500 max. Oh, and I'm not interested in DSLRs as an alternative, thanks.
Directorik doesn't like Canons?

I asked a somewhat similar question (as that of this thread's) recently. I will not resurrect it. Also, I know nothing, so do not pay any attention to what I have to say.

But, that1guyy had some positive things to say about the Canon XA10.

Also, Philip Bloom: Video review of the Canon XA-10, XF100 and XF105

Not his best written article. It leaves me a little bit confused. But that's probably because I'm a fool. But, watch the video --it is excellant as usual.

Damn, after watching that, I sure wouldn't mind having a XF105, mmhmm.

We should start a Philip Bloom fan club. Or is there a Philip Bloom fan club already? He deserves one. Is he married?
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