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Cinema Spatula goes political with this satirical piece based off the 2006 Canadian Election propaganda, with a liberal bias and a shocking conclusion!

Warning: Extreme Liberalism (weeee!) (you must understand current Canadian politics)



Just something I threw together in a flash tonight. Got pissed because conservatives are leading in our opinion polls... but same thing happened last year and the Liberals shut them down.... here's hoping..:cool:
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Serjus said:
Dude, wtf?!
Way to...bash my country.:grumpy:

Not your country, comment removed by mods The country is fine- comment removed by mods

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EDIT: BTW, it's a satire. Actual election commercials up here are accusing Harper of having had meetings with Americans of varying stature, and would not reveal who some of his campaign donors were.
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Spatula said:
EDIT: BTW, it's a satire. Actual election commercials up here are accusing Harper of having had meetings with Americans of varying stature, and would not reveal who some of his campaign donors were.
Haha. Here politicians seem to keep getting busted for accepting funds from people they shouldn't.

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Edit: What bugged me the most was the American flag. comment removed by mods
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I do concede, Serjus, that perhaps the flag may have been a touch strong... it's only from a Canadian point of view though. We have the same national pride as America and everything, but it's also ok to make fun of the government and country in jest.
For instance, the picture at the end of the video is of Juseppe Duchard, leader of the "Bloc" party (Quebec seperatists). Why is he there? Why is he in politics?
I don't know- none of us do.... but he sure speaks some funny-ass french.

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Seriously though, I don't mean to offend any Americans, just understand that Canadian culture embraces self-depricating humor, and I was trying to exaggerate some of the stuff we see in our political ad campaigns.

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Wait a second (it's about to become painfully obvious I know nothing of Canadian politics)...Quebec seperatists???

You have a party in favor of their province seceding from the rest of Canada? If so, they seriously think they can get away with it diplomatically?

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Members, we have to keep politics off the board period. Forum Rules state:

We are a group of filmmakers. Politics only serve to divide us. We do not allow political discussions unless they are related to film. If they turn into political bickering, they will be closed.

If people want to post a political film, fine. But keep comments to the film itself, don't drag the board into a quagmire of political bickering.

Okey dokey, Pokey. ;)
I do have something nice to say about the short. Controversy. Controversy sells (and it's funny when people get really mad over a video).:yes:

I'm still curious about the idea of a "Quebec Seperatist". :huh:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

LOVED IT! I do know a tiny bit about what's happening up there and I think you captured it perfectly- cynically, but perfectly.

I know you cut this together really fast, but I do have a techincal thing or two: The Canadian Flag background was great, but when you cut to the monkey, I had to wait several seconds before the text was fully in view and I spent that time wondering about the monkey picture. I don't think it had the impact you might have wished.

The photo of the Conservative candidate was stretched a bit much, was this intentional? (Loved the "evil" music here- btw).

And knowing about the separatist movement in Quebec, I found the end hugely funny!

Good piece of propoganda there. :)
I guess I should explain the "Bloc du Quebecois". Please no more political talk though- this iis just explanitory.

There was a referrendum a few years back, where Quebec wanted to seperate and become thier own country- needless to say it was squashed by a small margin. In any case, they formed thier own party which considers the interest of our French friends, and they usually end up with around 15% status. Same with our NDP, which is extreme left (socialist). The conservatives are right-wingers, and the liberals fall into the center.

For the last number of years, the liberals have done great things for our economy, social services, and human rights and freedoms. Previously, Canada was a conservative government (and in huge debt because of it).

If the bloc du Quebecios were to gain a majority government, it would be certain Quebec would seperate and become it's own nation... that probably won't happen though, because Bloc parties generally only gain ridings in Quebec.

Hope that helps. If you need to- Google search for "Liberal Party Canada" and check out thier commercials against Harper (conservative leader)... you'll notice the parallels between this video and the liberal campaign.

In any case, yes, this is probably the most controversial thing I've done to date, so I'm oddly proud of it (for simply GETTING a reaction). Don't take any negativity though- yes, it's cynical, satirical, and possibly even outright rude, but it's just an exaggeration on real facts combined with ultra-exaggeration of liberal canadian view-points.

Aside from the politics, it's just a way for a filmmaker to critique the political system here and express himself cathardically.

Lilith- if you liked the evil music, I implore you to check out the Liberal campaign ads on thier site- you'll realize how eeriely accurate I got it (using MAcbeth 3000 soundtrack music!).

Anyway, please no nasty political comments- gotta respect the rules. If anyone needs anything else bout Canadian politics explained, or wants to send hate/love mail, do so in a PM to me and I'll get back to you!

-D. Logan