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watch Proof of Concept Trailer for The Ferret Squad

Hi guys, I have been working on this for awhile now but it's finally out. This summer I directed a proof of concept trailer for a feature film I want to make called The Ferret Squad. The trailer was funded by an IndieGoGo campaign. Shot on Red Epic. Edited by Skip Films.

So now I'm looking for an experienced producer and funding to make the feature. Fingers crossed this trailer combined with our script is enough to do it!

Please check it out here:


And our official website at: http://www.theferretsquad.com


Alison Parker
Director and Producer of "The Ferret Squad"
ph: 604-345-3263 email: directoralisonparker@gmail.com
The Ferret Squad | www.theferretsquad.com | www.imdb.com/title/tt2306785/
Jake & Jasper: A Ferret Tale | www.theferretmovie.com | www.imdb.com/title/tt2097866/
Screen Shots





Good to see a trailer for this, I remember when the campaign was on IGG.

My question is this: You were seeking $50,000 on IGG to make this movie. You raised $25,000 which, because of the IGG model, you received anyway. What percentage of that did you spend on the trailer? Will you be using the rest of the money to try and finance the feature film shoot, or, if the investment doesn't come in from elsewhere, will that be the end of The Ferret Squad? $25,000 seems like an awful lot of money for a proof of concept trailer.

As I say, I remember seeing this when the campaign was on and it clearly has a professional and talented team behind it and I wish it all the best. That said, it does raise some interesting questions about accountability with crowdfunding, because the people who donated that $25k were doing so in order to finance a feature film, not to finance a proof of concept trailer in order to then try and get further funding.
Good to see a trailer for this, I remember when the campaign was on IGG.

... it does raise some interesting questions about accountability with crowdfunding, because the people who donated that $25k were doing so in order to finance a feature film, not to finance a proof of concept trailer in order to then try and get further funding.

Hard hitting question, Id like to know too... :hmm:
Good to see a trailer for this, I remember when the campaign was on IGG.

My question is this: You were seeking $50,000 on IGG to make this movie. You raised $25,000 which, because of the IGG model, you received anyway. What percentage of that did you spend on the trailer? Will you be using the rest of the money to try and finance the feature film shoot, or, if the investment doesn't come in from elsewhere, will that be the end of The Ferret Squad? $25,000 seems like an awful lot of money for a proof of concept trailer.

As I say, I remember seeing this when the campaign was on and it clearly has a professional and talented team behind it and I wish it all the best. That said, it does raise some interesting questions about accountability with crowdfunding, because the people who donated that $25k were doing so in order to finance a feature film, not to finance a proof of concept trailer in order to then try and get further funding.

First thank you for wishing us all the best. :)

Second, you are correct, I originally wanted to raise $50K to make the feature. I raised $25K. At that point I decided to use some of that money to make a proof of concept trailer, as I felt that would give me a better shot at getting bigger funding. Bigger as in the $200K - $500K range. I did not want to make a feature for $25K and with this script, it surely would not be possible. And I believe this concept has the potential to be very successful commercially, so I'm going for it. So some money to the trailer, and some to packaging/marketing stuff and some set aside for the future.

I'm pretty in touch with my funders. Many of them funded my last short film a year ago and I've established trust with them. Most of them I know by name and communicate with on a regular basis on Facebook. Not one person has objected to my choice to make a concept trailer, but if they did, I would probably refund their money because I am an honest person. It's a valid concern and if someone thinks this was not the right thing to do then I respect that. Hasn't happened yet though, and the fan base has been a huge help with sharing the trailer on social media and getting us our nearly 6 thousand views since Dec 10th. Lord knows it's not because I get any press.... (grumble...)

I hope that answers your question.
@The Ferret Lady
Thanks for putting up notice on your film project here at IT.

My partner and I are attempting the same marketing approach for a narrative period piece we're writing and hope to film this year. I was calling it a teaser, but "Proof of Concept Trailer" is a more accurate label. One big takeaway is your honesty and transparency with your funders, kudos.

Time permitting, please keep us up to date on your experience in marketing and funding your feature, and best of luck!