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watch promo for my Web Series

I am working on my new web seriec called "Fifty Shades of Blue" we have already fulmed the first episode which is finished but not yet uploaded as I wanted to make a little promo video for the series...

Filmed on Sunday in 4 hour and edited today in 3 hours... Please comment your opinion on youtube? :)

also I know it might be a lot to ask but can you please share it on your facebooks? :cool: :D


Love you! :P
I liked the camera work but the trailer didn't capture my attention...

The girls kissing, although sweet(I'm a guy after all) seemed like it had no reason to be there. The two guys looked lime they were trying way too hard to look hard, and the hats just did it for me. I find those extremely comical and a wannabe throwback to the 70's when mobsters dressed lime that. I get the fact that you were trying to be funny with the banana, but it just feels childish.

I saw the trailer and I really didn't care to Si subscribe to the channel, I guess that tells you where I'm at. Sorry if I'm being an ahole, just giving you my honest opinion.
I liked the camera work but the trailer didn't capture my attention...

The girls kissing, although sweet(I'm a guy after all) seemed like it had no reason to be there. The two guys looked lime they were trying way too hard to look hard, and the hats just did it for me. I find those extremely comical and a wannabe throwback to the 70's when mobsters dressed lime that. I get the fact that you were trying to be funny with the banana, but it just feels childish.

I saw the trailer and I really didn't care to Si subscribe to the channel, I guess that tells you where I'm at. Sorry if I'm being an ahole, just giving you my honest opinion.

don;t worry, it's not your fault :) nobody's perfect :)
Well what do you expect really ? All you posted is a trailer .

I guess you want everyone to tell you that you did fantastic ? Because else I don't see the point . Nobody can critic bunch of shots edited together for 1 minute trailer .

Do the whole film then post it and then people can critic it adequately
I was not actually a fan of the blue-color grading - that would turn me off.

Girls kissing, one carrying a gun, fancy car, the five walking down an alley - okay... But it's not telling me much. You need to give your audience more if you want them to follow your series.

I would cut in other clips (a fight scene? etc) into this teaser/trailer.

As for the banana being thrown. That's got seriously negative racial undertones so I'd cut that. Also, the trailer seems to want your leads to look cool, that's fine but why would you then want one slipping and falling on a banana - that's the total opposite of being cool. You're not doing a comedy.
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