Proletariat Films looking for new independent filmmakers

Hey everyone, just a quick thought to see if there are any Filmmakers who are in the NYC area and are looking to join forces to help one another make some films. You can see what kind of a set up we have at

Basically its a collaboration of filmmakers from the tristate area working on each other projects. Anyone interested please email me for details: We're always interested in bringing in new energetic faces - just drop me an email.

Thanks, and take care,
Long time no see! :)

I'm in NYC.

Nice looking website.
Hello Roberto!

I'm in Bridgeport CT, and we're about to shoot our first short. FutureDV is our production company, and we're hoping to produce several more shorts over the next few months, then a feature. Once we're well on our way, we'll contact you.

BTW, you are familiar with "Proletariat Pictures", right?
I thought you were them for a minute until I checked out your website. What, is Marxism suddenly back in fashion? LOL!
