Project X - My First Full Length Feature Film

Hey everyone. I'm writing now for a full feature film in the horror genre. For sometime I've put a lot of thought and idea into this and finally i've started it off and im writing away. I expect to begin filming sometime in Spring 2005 and have already begun some prep work besides my main focus of writing at the moment. I've created a blog that I will update frequently on anything related to my project and just thought some of you might be interested in taking a look at it. I plan on also making a site for the film in a month or two. Anyways check out my blog if you'd like to at

I'd like to also take the oppertunity to introduce myself. My names Andrew and I'm seventeen and have been involved in film for four years now. I've definitly got an early start and have started my very first business called Fallenstar Productions. I live in Ottawa, Onatrio, Canada. I cam across this community searching on some search engines in finding some more indy communities... vola! I took a read through and found alot of interesting discussions and knowledgable users. I'm also a frequent vistor in the community at Never the less here I am... and I look forward to contributing to this community. Drop by my blog if you will for my first full length feature film.

- Andrew Wood
Thank you for the welcoming. I'm gonna have to make my way over and take a look at that blog, sounds interesting.

Now about my film. First of all the real name is not "Project X"... my film is not yet titled and probably won't be until the final copy of the screenplay hits. I'm still writing the story, although the film as to do with a Veteran Soldier who was buried on this old broken down farm after his death. He was buried on property on the pack up to the farm (This is actually true, the body still lays there). The whole idea is that a group of teenagers for their summer break head up to there summer home, where at some point they tresspass on the property awakening the ghost of the Soldier. Everything is not final and clear yet...but as I complete the story I'll be sure to post more up here and on my blog. Basically I want the movie to feel more spooky and realistic...none of this slashing with blood and guts... i'm writing to give you a chill down your spine. I'm hoping to incorporate some creative cinmatography with its own style for the film along with some symbolization... on the verge of being very artsy.

Anyways glad you are some what interested in my project. In two week we are getting interviewed for some newspapers so hopefully we can gain alot more publicity. Any how I hope I was able to give you a general idea... comments and suggestions are always welcome. Thanks. My titles a "newbie"... i love it :)

You know any really good composors that maybe interesting in working with me and have some experience in making music for horror genre films?

- Andrew Wood
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Ah, sounds interesting. i always find Ghosts and satanism and the occult more scary than some killer in a halloween mask killing 4 teenagers.

Sounds good, are you going to sell it on DVD when you're done? I'm currently writing a comedy, and the writing process is hard. I dont like it, haha.

Are you going to film at the real location of his grave? or is it not near you?

The member 'Florian' , i believe, composes great music. Check the classified forums here, i know there are a few music composers on this board. Maybe make a new post in one of the Classified forums :)

OH! how could i forget, a member here, 'Tine' lives in canada, and she likes to act :) you should contact her. I feel like im sucking up to everyone by promoting them...but im just trying to help all us Indies out!
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I'm not to sure about the process i'm going to take when the whole film is complete. I have alot more important things to think about at the moment such as the major writing process, which is very important cause we are presenting it to the film council to try and pick up a couple grand.

As for the location, yes our set is on the location where the soldier is buried. At my site on the right hand side there are a bunch of pictures all of that particular location. It's pretty crazy looking, you should definitly check it out. Just a couple weeks ago we go the go ahead of being allowed to use the property and now its just a matter of the owner's signing the contract.

Well i'm gonna make a post in the classified ;)

- Andrew Wood
Yea i just checked the Blog and realized that! haha :) thats awesome dude, hope your project takes off.

Are you using any scriptwriting software to write you're screenplay? I have the demo of Final Draft and dont know if i really need to front like, 300 bucks for it... A lot of people swear by it, but i dont know...
Any contacts to get hold of i would like to see if they want to be a supporter...basically that they recognize my effort and work being put into my project and sending people over to my blog and in return I will put a banner for under my supporters list on my blog along with the others I have..
Indie has a banner for you, i've seen it around, either in his sig or somewhere...Im sure he'll reply soon.

If you're looking for an investor theres this thread its fairly new, since you're new too im guessing you havent done much Lurking yet. So i'm helping you out. and im bored. and im still awake after not sleeping! haha, but now i must be off to Orientation at my new job (ugh), Cya round, GL.
rizien said:
The member 'Florian' , i believe, composes great music. Check the classified forums here, i know there are a few music composers on this board. Maybe make a new post in one of the Classified forums :)

So hi there :)

first thanks to rizien for that promo that you give me on that post....

So if you need a Composer for next year who can compose a scary score you can get me if you may want it.

You can listen to some of my first Horror-Compositions at the Killerwahn III Scorepage, just click this URL:

more informations about me go to:

many greetings,

florian :)