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watch Project ETi: Forbidden Alliance

If that is the first short clip you have made, it is pretty impressive.

The sound was not great though. Sound quality eas the weakest thing in the clip. What sound equipment are you using?

The woman doing the protecting was in slow motion at all times...but then, hollywood has that in all of their horror movies too:lol:
Okay I'll be totally honest; you had some nice shots and it seems like a cool idea, but overall it didn't pull me in. The girl seemed like she was thinking about her lines for the most part and the guy taking off his shirt for a simple cut was ridiculous. Also you didn't really explain the whole alien part and the girl falling backwards from the "push" was just completely corny.

If you want a person to realistically look as if being pushed back, then keep it as simple as possible and have them work at it. To me it just seemed like a cheesy 1980's comedy movie trick...

Where you really going for the black/white look with the film? Because there was hardly any color in the home.
Also when you did the outside looking in shots, the first one had sound and the other didn't, why? As a viewer I was expecting sound since you had already given me that.

As a first timer, great job. Learn from it a move on!
If that is the first short clip you have made, it is pretty impressive.

The sound was not great though. Sound quality eas the weakest thing in the clip. What sound equipment are you using?

The woman doing the protecting was in slow motion at all times...but then, hollywood has that in all of their horror movies too:lol:

You got me on the sound...it was the built in mic from the Camera :)

regarding slow-mo..we're hoping to get better.
Thanks really for the pull-no-punches feedback, this is what I need.

Okay I'll be totally honest; you had some nice shots and it seems like a cool idea, but overall it didn't pull me in. The girl seemed like she was thinking about her lines for the most part and the guy taking off his shirt for a simple cut was ridiculous. Also you didn't really explain the whole alien part and the girl falling backwards from the "push" was just completely corny.

If you want a person to realistically look as if being pushed back, then keep it as simple as possible and have them work at it. To me it just seemed like a cheesy 1980's comedy movie trick...

Where you really going for the black/white look with the film? Because there was hardly any color in the home.
Also when you did the outside looking in shots, the first one had sound and the other didn't, why? As a viewer I was expecting sound since you had already given me that.

As a first timer, great job. Learn from it a move on!

Got it :) we'll work on the things you outlined here for next time.
I read the comments on YouTube and they were all "man that was great, that was neat", and those comments don't help you any. You don't get better from positive feedback, you do from constructive criticism.

What kind of camera and mic setup are u using? Did u use any extra lighting?
I read the comments on YouTube and they were all "man that was great, that was neat", and those comments don't help you any. You don't get better from positive feedback, you do from constructive criticism.

What kind of camera and mic setup are u using? Did u use any extra lighting?

borrowed Sony NX5U (I'm still trying to determine the best camera for me to purchase).

I used the onboard mic, my intention was to do ADR but elected to defer that because of time constraints with the actors, and I wanted to keep myself encouraged by putting something up. For lighting I used one 400 watt halogen lamp.

My basic strategy is: recruit, shoot, release, learn, improve. I want to continue with this cycle so that in a few years I can attempt some things I could be proud of.
Good idea. The fact that you are trying and learning as you go is the best way to do it. Funny thing is that I havent film anything cause I'm still trying to learn as much as possible in order to have a better-than-decent product when it is done. I gotta take your mentality and shoot lol.
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Good idea. The fact that you are trying and learning as you go is the best way to do it. Funny thing is that I have film anything cause I'm still trying to learn as much as possible in order to have a better-than-decent product when it is done. I gotta take your mentality and shoot lol.

Yeah I think it's the way, as long as you can take the heat. I try not to take myself too seriously so it doesn't hurt too much when I get the feedback
I gotcha. I on the other hand am all about doing the best possible or the closest thing to it lol.
But I plan on shooting my first short on March 18, so we will see.