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Project Analysis in Premiere CC

I have cut a massive project and the statistician in me wants to know a few things about the work I did... here are some example questions:
  • How many cuts did I make?
  • What is the average length of shot?
  • How long did I have the project open for?
  • What is the shooting ratio?

Is there any software that can answer those questions? I'm sure there is more data to be had, and I'd love to see it if possible.

I have cut a massive project and the statistician in me wants to know a few things about the work I did... here are some example questions:
  • How many cuts did I make?
  • What is the average length of shot?
  • How long did I have the project open for?
  • What is the shooting ratio?

Is there any software that can answer those questions? I'm sure there is more data to be had, and I'd love to see it if possible.


Interesting exercise:
I found this..
http://www.data2000.no/EDIT2000/index.php and it does most the hard work...

In premiere you export your sequence as an EDL.
Took a few tries in premiere to get the right settings for the web site above, I ended up with only "Use Source File Name" checked and "Audio Separately" for the Audio processing choice.

But when I did I got some good data..
No. of shots	39
No. of cuts	39
seconds	frames	timecode	shot no
Avg. shot length	2.836	70.897	00:00:02:21
Standard deviation	2.313	57.813	00:00:02:08
Median shot length	2.200	55.000	00:00:02:05
Sum shot length	110.600	2765	00:01:50:15
Min. shot length	.160	4	00:00:00:04	029  031 
Max. shot length	9.360	234	00:00:09:09	038  039

so that gets you
How Many shots and Average shot length.

Shooting ration is easy:
It just means how many minutes of footage did you capture compared to how many minutes in the final product.

So for the above project I created the EDL from I had a total of 28 minutes of footage, the end product is 1 minute long. so that's 28:1 shooting ration.

(it gets harder with longer end products but the logic is the same, for an easy way to covert to ration see this excel tut.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUFFrIlHMlo

In windows you can easily get the "total" time off all the video files in a directory.. Just select all and at the bottom of the windows explorer you should see what your looking for..

How long you had the premiere project open is the tough one... haven't got that yet..
Its a bit disingenuous though.. it seems like he wants to know how many hours you spent in editing. You need that for billing so you should have that, or at least a reasonable estimate..
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Dude. Sorry it took me so long to respond. You totally rose to the occasion. THANK YOU! You freaking rock.

When I'm done with this insanely massive project I will return with my stats... it's going to be scary. Started with well over 20 hours of footage.

If you do end up finding the project open time, you would be a certified rock star. I should note that a client is not requesting that... I just want to know how long I go down in the hole for. Sometimes I get in the groove with editing and then the sun starts rising...

Happy New Year and thanks again!