Sweet!!! Am filming today too (not a cool video shot unfort). Just taking 30 mins break because we had to switch the freezer back on - ruins the audio otherwise.
Final shot of the day for you already. Nice!
Yeah, our day went really smoothly. Ended up with about 35-40 takes of the guys playing (I think they were ready to throw me off the tower if I'd made them play it much more), plus some other cool footage of them doing things, just taking advantage of what the location had to offer.
My two PAs set up a zip line while I got some shots of the band playing, which solved our drone shot issue. And I ended up changing some of my plans on the fly as far as shots went. But I think it worked out better.
My hula hoop fig rig worked way better than I could have hoped for, as did my tripod steadicam. I set the GoPro up under some sheet metal to get some low super wide shots of the band while I was getting some tripod shots (that was fun, as my PAs were working on the zip line, which meant I was controlling two cameras and starting the music all by myself (workflow for anyone who's interested: start recording on main cam, run over to start the music, and then immediately start the GoPro with the wifi remote or phone app)!

Also, a tandem (side-by-side) baby stroller works AWESOME as a dolly. Super maneuverable. I think that might have been my favorite set of shots from the day.
Here's one of my favorite behind-the-scenes shots of the day (my co-producer/bassist warming up while I set up my camera)...
And here's the hula hoop fig rig in case you didn't see the other thread I posted it in:
The main thing is that we all had a great time, got some great footage (I have yet to review it, but I'm sure it's mostly great), and no one fell in a hole (that was my one rule for the day). We've got a couple more scenes to shoot for the narrative parts of the video and then it's on to editing. Want to have it finished by the first week in November so we can enter SXSW (the drummer has played in the music portion of the festival 8 or 9 times, I'm hoping that will give us some kind of advantage, no matter how tiny).
I'll post more pics as I get them from the rest of the crew/band.
ETA: Here's the baby stroller camera dolly. Super maneuverable. Able to do all sorts of funky movements with it. (The idea was from the tall guy behind the stroller, who used to work for the circus and I guess has been involved in some filming for them).